Review of The man in the bowler hat 1964 by Rene Magritte from Annie Bronius

Annie Bronius has reviewed the artwork The man in the bowler hat 1964 by Surrealist artist Rene Magritte
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The man in the bowler hat 1964 by Rene Magritte
Review of The Man in the Bowler Hat by Rene Magritte by Annie Bronius on 2009-06-08

Perhaps this piece represents the faceless qualities of businessmen at work. Picture this fictional scenario, a man is having his portrait done by an artist, and he thinks that he is a very original man. However, a dove flies across the view and instantly the man could be a million different men. It is possible that Magritte was trying to show the world what a faceless and unoriginal society we have become. Just a thought.

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